These 9 Superfoods Will Be All Over Your FYP This Year


Papaya is a rich source of vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as being a rich source of dietary fiber—and by rich source, we mean it’s literally one of the best fruits out there for all these.


Cassava, also known as yuca, is super common in Latin American and Caribbean cuisines and is a great source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.


Kelp is very planet-friendly, since it's regenerative and helps to maintain the health of our oceans, notes Feller. “The sky's the limit with how kelp can be used.


You’ve definitely seen the viral TikTok trend of "sleep girl mocktails," aka drinking a tart cherry juice concoction at night since it can possibly raise your melatonin levels.


They're rich in unsaturated fat, fiber, and vitamin B6, and also contain some potassium and magnesium.”

Fermented Foods

Gut health is a term we hear often these days, but unlike other buzzwords floating around, we hear this one for good reason, says Chu.


A traditional ingredient in a variety of cultures across the world, ginger is inexpensive, adds a ton of flavor, and can be used in both savory and sweet dishes, says Byrne.


Buckwheat is said to gain popularity this year, and Byrne, for one, is very excited about it. "It's technically a seed, and unlike actual wheat, doesn't contain any gluten," she says.


Mushrooms have been gaining steam for a while, and this year will only see an uptick, says Byrne—especially since there are a ton of varieties.

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