These American Foods Are Banned In Other Countries

Farm-Raised Salmon

Many countries have banned farm-raised salmon due to its potential for containing toxins and antibiotics. These chemicals are toxic to humans, so some countries have banned this fish altogether. 

Chlorinated Chicken

Chlorinated chicken is a food item often discussed in the international trade debate. This particular type of poultry is widely used in American food production.

Instant Mashed Potatoes

Instant mashed potatoes are a tasty staple food in American diets. However, they have been banned from some countries because they contain unhealthy levels of acrylamide.

Milk With Growth Hormone

Many U.S. farmers use artificial growth hormones to increase milk production. However, many countries have banned this practice due to potential health dangers.

Some Breakfast Cereals

Some breakfast cereals in the U.S. contain certain synthetic food dyes banned in other countries due to their potential health risks.

Packaged Breadrolls

In the United States, some bread products are fortified with potassium bromate to expedite baking, fortify the dough, improve elasticity, and achieve a uniform and white bread.


In some countries, pork is banned due to religious beliefs. For example, in some Muslim-majority nations, pork products are excluded from store shelves.


The United States is the second-largest apple producer in the world, but some countries have banned apples due to potential chemical residues. 

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