9 Foods The Bible Mentions That We Still Eat Today

Olives and Olive Oil

If you’ve ever dived into a Mediterranean dish, you know olives and olive oil are the stars. Back in biblical times, olive trees were also symbols of peace. 


Almonds, sweet or salty crunchy delights in our cereals and chocolate bars. In the Bible, they were a symbol of promise and alertness. 


Before sugar became everyone’s sweetener, there was honey. The Bible describes the Promised Land as a place “flowing with milk and honey.” 


Figs are those sweet, purple fruits that you find in a lot of health bars and upscale desserts. Back in the Bible, fig trees symbolized prosperity. 

Grapes and Wine

If you’ve ever dived into a Mediterranean dish, you know olives and olive oil are the stars. Back in biblical times, olive trees were also symbols of peace. 


Dates are those sticky, sweet treats that are now commonly found in energy bars. In biblical times, they were incredibly valuable, especially for travelers.


Those juicy seeds (or arils) are treasures. In biblical accounts, they symbolized fertility. Now? They’re still a perfect mix of sweet and tart, popping up in dishes and drinks everywhere. 


Leeks are like the chilled out cousin of onions, not too strong but full of flavor. The Israelites in the Bible remembered the leeks from their Egyptian feasts.


Salt was—and still is— essential for cooking and much more. Back then, it preserved food, worked as occasional currency and sealed deals. 

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