10 Fast-Food Scandals That Rocked the Industry

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Pink Slime:

An ABC News report revealed that some fast-food chains were using lean finely textured beef.

Horsemeat Scandal:

Horsemeat was found in several European countries' beef products, leading to a scandal that affected various fast-food chains and.

Subway's Footlong:

A customer posted a photo on social media showing a Subway "Footlong" sandwich that measured less than 12 inches.

Chipotle E. coli Outbreak:

Multiple outbreaks of E. coli and norovirus were linked to Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurants.

Meat Scandal:

A Chinese supplier for McDonald's and other fast-food chains was accused of selling expired meat.

KFC Antibiotics:

Several major fast-food chains, including KFC, faced criticism for the use of antibiotics in their chicken supply chains.

Unicorn Frappuccino:

While not a health scandal, Starbucks faced criticism for its Unicorn Frappuccino.

Pizza Hut Fake Cheese:

n Australia, Pizza Hut faced a scandal when a former employee revealed that some of their stores were using a mix of cheaper.

Burger King's:

Similar to the earlier European horsemeat scandal, Burger King was implicated when horsemeat was found in some of its beef products in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Jack in the Box E. coli:

In one of the earliest and most notorious fast-food scandals, an E. coli outbreak linked to undercooked burgers at Jack in the Box.


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