Opt for lean meats, poultry, fish, tofu, or legumes to support muscle recovery without excess fats.
Keep nuts, seeds, or protein bars handy for convenient post-run refueling.
Enjoy Greek yogurt for a protein-packed, probiotic-rich option to aid in digestion.
Blend protein powder, fruits, and yogurt for a delicious and portable post-run protein boost.
Include quinoa, brown rice, and oats in meals for additional protein and sustained energy.
Boil or scramble eggs for a versatile and complete protein source, ideal for breakfast or snacks.
Snack on cottage cheese, a slow-digesting protein, for muscle repair during longer periods.
Choose protein-infused drinks for hydration combined with muscle-repairing benefits.
Spread protein consumption throughout the day for optimal muscle protein synthesis.
Consume protein within 30 minutes post-run to maximize muscle recovery and growth.